Arina Semenenko, HR Director, answers questions
- How much attention does LMS pay to development of the company's staff?
- The company's management understands very well that qualified staff are a key asset of our company, and a major competitive advantage. Therefore, in 2020, the company was actively working to find a training center that could meet the needs for training and development of the company's staff. The task was not easy, as it required a training center capable of conducting training both for specialists: the workers and for experienced engineering and technical workers.
At the moment, the contract for the provision of services is being negotiated, we do hope that in the near future the employees of LMS will have the opportunity to use the services of this center. The company intends to constantly invest in the development of its team and the professional growth of its employees.
- How does investment in human resources affect the achievement of strategic and other goals and objectives of the company?
- Since there is a fairly extensive and obligatory regulatory framework in construction, employees with the required qualifications are extremely important for the company. In addition, construction activities in the Russian Federation are licensed. Licensing conditions, among others, impose requirements for the staffing of the company with engineers and workers of the necessary professions and qualifications. Without a sufficient number of specialists with highly specialized training, it is impossible to build a quality facility and be competitive.
- Please, share the latest news on training staff. What was the direction of the teaching activity and why is it important for LMS?
- In December 2020, our employees were trained in the courses of «Reconstruction and restoration of cultural heritage» and «Urban planning and protection of cultural heritage sites. Organization of restoration work «. Our colleagues have successfully passed the exam and received certificates of professional development. This gives us the opportunity in the future to obtain a license for the preservation of cultural heritage objects (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation, which means to expand the scope of the company.
- What else is planned to be done in the direction of staff development in the near future?
- At the moment, there is an active preparation for the start of a large project. In February, it is planned to commence a pilot project for training in working specialties at one of our facilities. Subject to its successful completion, we plan to roll it out to other objects. We will be ready to tell you more about the project and its importance this spring.