Ozgur Turer, Director of Tenders and Planning, told us about the realistic prospects of the projects and other important things in the traditional interview «LMS in Person».
LMS Professional rules
- Please, tell us what you do at LMS, your line of business, functionality, position.
- I’m tender and planning director of LMS, preparing proposals to different types of projects.
- How did you start your career in the construction industry?
- My journey started when I was in high school, while making choices for university. Afterwards while in university, other paths also opened to different engineering disciplines, but I kept my way. I don’t know why, but I went on my choice.
- Where did you work before joining LMS?
- Till LMS, I worked for several companies, not more than fingers of one hand, but the variety of projects were quite a lot.
As soon as graduating from university, I started to work for Uransan. I worked there for 4 years. As in bachelor, my master degree was also developed together with work. I really saw lots of advantages of that practice.
While I was close to submit my thesis, my consultant professor insisted on me to join his crew in university, and start ph. doctorate degree. As a result of his strong press, I quit work and started at Istanbul University as assistant. I have to say that, it was a different experience, you’re there with the future, you want to give maximum knowledge to students. I finished my master thesis, got my title and proceed with doctorate. However, I completed all necessary studies in success, I unfortunately couldn’t go through its thesis.
I got a call from Russia, from Renaissance Construction, and my adventure in Russia started. I worked for Renaissance Construction app. 4 years in different projects, different cities.
- Please, tell us about your experience in previous projects.
- It was really interesting, especially at the start of my career, in a very quick time, I faced up with huge variety of projects. If to summarize after diploma to today …
Responsible of infrastructure works in Gaziosmanpaşa–Çukurçeşme Overhead Junction, Istanbul
Site manager in maintenance works of Grand Prestige Hotel Side, Antalya,
Site manager in City Solid Waste Sanitary Storage Construction 2nd Step, Bursa,
Planning manager in Kocaeli 3rd Group, Dongel Earthquake House, Izmit,
Bidding and strategy manager in head office of Uransan, preparing documents, proposals: commercial, technical, to different types of works, to different procedures, to different countries. Also, some additional tasks such as, planning and tracking of Izmit Gulf Waste Treatment Project – Altınova and Karamursel Treatment Plant’s Sea Outfalls, Izmit, Ikitelli Earthquake House, Istanbul and other planning and organizational tasks of investment projects on feasibility stage such as, wind energy parks, housing estates, five-star hotel.
After this tempo I shifted to university, where was quite smooth. I assisted cost analysis, construction management and project management courses of bachelors’ parallel to my education.
Later on Russia …
Planning and cost control engineer in Ratusha, Government Guest House, Kazan,
Further, also same position in Oriflame Beauty Products & Cosmetics Factory, Moscow,
Planning and cost control manager in Mega Family Shopping Center, Nizhniy Novgorod. I want to underline this project, I was in charge with renovation of existing planning and cost control system of Renaissance Construction, this project was the pilot, and really amazing studies were done.
Contract manager in Mega Family Shopping Center, Novosibirsk,
Project manager in Kctovo Logistic Center (phase №1), Nizhniy Novgorod
Commercial director in head office; company contracted with many various projects; housing estates in Moscow & Nizhniy Novgorod, shopping centers in Nizhniy Novgorod, Petrozavodsk, Kondopoga, Smolensk & Arhangelsk, industrial complexes, factories in Nizhniy Novgorod, Ulyanovsk, Moscow, Kemerovo, Perm, logistic centers in Moscow & Nizhniy Novgorod.
Now, tender and planning director in head office of LMS, till today awarded with airports in Rostov on Don, Volgograd, Chelyabinsk, Habarovsk (phase №1 and phase №2), Kemerovo, Noviy Urengoy, infrastructure of Tolmochevo airport in Novosibirsk, shopping centers in Moscow and Perm, ice hockey rink in Omsk.
- What are the unique aspects in your sphere?
- There are lots of unforeseen in future, we don’t know tomorrow, but we have to make some assumptions while estimating it. To catch the figure is hard, in order to have more clear picture, we try to remove the fog. A realistic and detailed projection of projects in mind while preparing quotation is very important; to see, to understand details and possible upcoming problems, risks, benefits. It’s not only simple math, 2+2=4, it’s a fuzzy logic process, like life itself. We excavate, concrete, erect, install, … whatever else, the whole life of project, … while we are sitting in our chairs, in front of computers.
- Do you involve your own elaborations, technologies which enable increasing your work quality and efficiency?
- Time is very valuable, not to waste any second, we try to use necessary computer programs efficiently. We developed our own calculation systems in an upgradable manner that also quickly answers our requirements. But of course, we must not forget that, all these are tools to help us while we’re making decisions. The core is our experiences and educations starting from the very beginning of life. It’s not possible to create, simulate a true project in mind without a background. Participating directly in projects and climb up step by step is very important for a healthy self improvement.
- How do you see the development of your direction in company, what are the prospects?
- The market is very narrow, very sharp and fast changing, in order to stay alive, we should be very careful, there is no free space, no comfortable zone to compensate an error or a mistake. Every today is harder than every yesterday, so we are searching, analyzing every visible or nonvisible alternatives in construction. We always keep our company vivid, active in every condition, every tomorrow, we are more experienced, fresher and younger than every today.
However, future frightens, life goes on and will go on, some requirements are subject to be reshaped. I see that, we are ready and flexible in mind for that. I believe that there shall be, there will be a lot to do, and we will do.