LMS Group of Companies carries out the construction of industrial facilities in Russia. Today in the column Projects of LMS we will tell you about the plant for the production of cellulose additives J.Rettenmaier&Söhne in Balakhna (Nizhny Novgorod region).
Within the framework of general contract on the object the construction works on a turn-key basis were executed. The opening ceremony of J.Rettenmaier&Söhne cellulose additives factory took place on April 29, 2013. The event was attended by the management of the Nizhny Novgorod region and the company «Rettenmaier RUS Production».
The main activity of JRS Balakhna Factory is production of VIATOP stabilizing additive and cellulose additives used in crushed-mastic asphalt for road construction. All production lines are automated, and all production steps are performed on site: processing of raw materials, production of cellulose and aggregates for paved roads.
Rettenmaier specializes in the processing of natural raw materials, turning what previously could not be further used into high-quality materials for construction, industry, pharmaceuticals and food production.