Industrial buildings are large industrial facilities with special requirements in terms of high-quality organization of production processes, convenience of working personnel and strict compliance with safety rules.
Each such project is created individually taking into account the peculiarities of soils and characteristics of the construction area, cost effectiveness, construction time, as well as technological features of production processes and ensuring high safety requirements for working personnel.
LMS Group of Companies is a general contractor for the construction of various industrial facilities in Russia. The portfolio of realized projects includes:
RusVinyl PVC production complex in Kstovo, Nizhny Novgorod region
The project of re-equipment of two temporary storage premises was realized. Turnkey construction and assembly works with construction of industrial pools and underground network laying were performed.
Also the general contract included general construction works, installation of monolithic reinforced concrete structures, steel erection, installation of technological heavy equipment, laying of above-ground pipelines, construction of industrial floors, as well as earthwork and piling.
Glassware production plant Pashabahce in the Nizhny Novgorod region
Under the general contractor agreement construction works with designer's supervision and design works were performed on a turn-key basis.
Industrial complex for the production of silicon wafers and photovoltaic converters in the Industrial Park «Chernyakhovsk» in the Kaliningrad region
Within the contract of general contract the Industrial complex will be corrected and passed the state expertise, as well as the development of working documentation in BIM, and implementation of construction and installation work on a turnkey basis.