On May 23, the solemn opening of the new airport complex of Kemerovo International Airport named after Alexey Archpovich Leonov will take place. The new terminal was built in 12 months and put into operation in May 2021. But due to the difficulties of the pandemic period and minus temperatures, the terminal was actually built in 8 months of effective work of the General Contractor - the group of companies LMS (LLC «LMS»).
The opening of the new airport coincides with the celebration of the 300th anniversary of Kuzbass. Such honorary guests as the world’s first woman - cosmonaut Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova and wife of cosmonaut pilot Alexey Leonova Svetlana Pavlovna Leonov are invited to the event. The Governor of Kuzbass - S.E. Tsivilev, the Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation - V.G. Saveliev, the head of FAST (Rosaviation) - A.V. Neradko, shareholder of LLC «Novalport Holding» - R.V. Trotsenko will say their welcoming words at the opening ceremony.
Passengers and guests of Kemerovo airport will be greeted by «Choir Turetsky». Press-approach is planned for 09:45, interviews will be given by shareholders of LLC «Novalport Holding», LLC «LMS» (Project Manager Ilhan Musa Ozkoc), representatives of the Government Apparatus of Russia, Governor of Kemerovo Oblast - Kuzbass, Kemerovo Diocese.
The construction of the new air terminal complex was carried out as part of the Kemerovo Airport Modernization Programme in order to achieve the goals of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin of 7 May 2018 «On national goals and strategic development goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024».
The main contractor for the construction of the object is LLC «LMS» (LLC «LMS», Nizhny Novgorod region). In the portfolio of implemented projects proved to be a reliable general contractor of the GC LMS - construction of international airports in Rostov-on-Don, Volgograd, Khabarovsk, Chelyabinsk, Kemerovo, Novy Urengoy, as well as other infrastructure objects on the territory of Russia. The contract with the contractor was signed on May 6, 2020. The investor is a shareholder of Kemerovo Airport LLC «Novalport Holding». The total cost of the project is more than 3 billion rubles.
The group of companies «Spectrum» was engaged in the development of the concept of the development of the air terminal complex, project documentation, support of the project in the state expertise and support of the procedure of selection of the general contractor for the construction of the object.