The general contractor of construction of the 16th, 17th and 18th buildings of the Simvol Residential Complex in Moscow, the LMS Group of Companies, continues works on installation of reinforced concrete constructions. The construction of the residential complex is going according to schedule.
In the 16th building, the construction of the vertical structures on the ninth floor continues. The floor slabs and vertical structures of the thirteenth floor are being installed on the site of the 17th building. In the 18th building, the builders continue to install the floor slabs and vertical structures on the eighteenth floor.
The installation of walls from aerated concrete blocks on the sixth floor of the 16th building, on the tenth floor of the 17th building and on the fifteenth floor of the 18th building is continuing. The installation of air ducts and cable trays continues in the parking lot of the future Residential Complex.
In the 18th building rough finishing of the premises on the standard floors, plastering works on the eleventh floor and on the two staircases of the tenth floor are in progress. Also in the 18th building the installation of brackets for the facade scaffolding is completed and the assembly of the facade brackets is going on. In the 17th buildingthe specialists have started assembling the brackets for the scaffolding.
Living up its reputation of a reliable general contractor, LMS Group of Companies fulfills its obligations to customers up to the highest standard of performance and in due time, while the finally convinced customers trust us again to implement their projects.